A program for purpose driven individuals desiring to up-level themselves, so they can up-level their lives. 

This program is going to be a very unique & transformational container that you can awaken to how your external world is reflecting your internal world & how to energetically shift and align inside so that you can be a magnet for all you desire to attract outside.

A Program That Will Awaken You To :

  • The blind spots that are holding you back from achieving and attracting what you truly desire
  • Your subconscious identity that is running the show in your life, business, and relationships
  • ​The habits and patterns of behavior that are on autopilot and not serving your deepest truths
  • The beliefs and stories that you hold within that are creating a life you are not aligned with any longer 
  • How to reprogram your subconscious mind to be energetically aligned as a match to all that you know you are meant for

𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻 you to the depths of your unconsciousness - to be able to truly SEE the patterns running in your life, business, & relationships that are not serving your deepest desires. 

𝗔𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗻 your identity and how you are showing up - with your soul’s truth and your highest human potential. 

So you then can then 𝗔𝘁𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁 exactly what you know deeply that you are meant for. 

Your soul is calling you too... 

The purpose 
The income & impact 
The deep connections
The body  
The peace & happiness 
The freedom & fulfillment 

You know you are meant for! 

It’s time for you to awaken to exactly who you have longed to be, yet have always felt short in becoming. 

It is time for you to truly see YOU for the first time... 

This program will be teaching KEY concepts that radically shifted who we were as individuals, how we showed up in the world, and the person we were BEING every single day. 

When we want to transform and change in our lives, we always wind up asking ourselves - "What do I need to do to change or to create what I want".... 
This is NOT the right question. 
The question needs to turn to - "Who do I need to BE to change and create everything I want"

For it is not what we DO, it is who we are BEING when we do it. 
You can not outperform your identity. 
And your past identity is what has created your current results and outcomes. Your subconscious mind has created your current reality. 

Your current identity is creating your future reality. 
And the time is NOW to align your identity with that of which you desire to BE, so that you can put in aligned action and actually attract that of which your soul is craving to be your reality. 

This isn't about manifesting all the materialistic things- thinking that once you have them - you will be free, happy, joyful and fulfilled. 
This is about BECOMING all of those NOW - and attracting everything you desire from that state of being. 

Money won't make you happy
Having an impact in your purpose won't serve the core of your deepest longings
Having the body you want will not solve all your woes and problems
Having the man you desire - will not make you feel loved and great about yourself

You have embodied who you desire to BE within. 
SO within.. so without. 

Its time to awaken to & align with all that you are MEANT TO BE... 
So that you can attract all that you KNOW YOU ARE MEANT FOR in your walk on this planet. 

The time is now....
Are you ready??? 

The program will consist of:

  • ​Awakening Modules Taught By Jocelyn 
  • ​Guided Healings & Visualizations
  • ​Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques
  • ​Self-Exploration Guided Workbook
  • ​Private Facebook Group For Added Support
Base Investment
Payment Plan Available At Checkout
                                                 Program Only 

Payment Plan Available At Checkout
  • One 1:1 Coaching call
  • 10 days of Voxer support
Payment Plan Available At Checkout
  • Three 1:1 Coaching call
  • 30 days of Voxer support

Here's What Previous Students Are Saying:

WOW! This program opened my eyes to EVERYTHING! I had no clue how much I was creating my reality unconsciously and that I had so much power in shifting it so quickly. Thank you Jocelyn for this course, it is life altering!

-Dana D. 

This program gave SO MANY levels of transformation for me that it's hard to put into words. I realized how much I had been doing and was so frustrated - really had little to do with seeing changes in my life & relationship. I went from feeling frustrated and stuck to having so much clarity and confidence moving forward in attracting exactly what I have been craving for the longest time. Just in the short weeks of this class, SO much has shifted. I know this is only the start! I feel like I have been given tools that set me free! THANK YOU!

-Cynthia G.

When I first started this program I felt like every area of my life was just off. Getting my shit together felt impossible. I am now down 30lbs, have increased my revenue by 10%, and feel so much more understanding of what has gone sideways in my relationships and look forward to dating again

-Stephanie L. 

Meet Your Course Guides & Coaches

Jocelyn Vance
Jocelyn has a Master’s Degree in Nutrition Education and has multiple certifications in Nutrition, Life Coaching, & Brain Science Methodologies. She started her career teaching middle school nutrition in the public school system. After feeling an internal pull that she was meant for more, going through a difficult divorce, and finding herself drowning as a single mom and tons of debt - she joined her 1st Network Marketing company in the health and wellness industry. She was able to build a successful 6-figure business and retired from teaching 20 years early along with meeting her soulmate - who is now her husband & raises 3 kids with - Jim Vance. 

As soon as she thought this is it- I have made it - The Universe had a much different plan. She went on to experience several more awakenings of the soul which led her to where she is today - a Certified NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapist®, Life & Success Coach, and Hypnotherapist. 

She now runs a thriving identity and success coaching business - The Conscious Woman - and works with purpose driven individuals to be more empowered lovers and leaders in their life, business, and relationships - becoming a magnet to the intimacy, impact, and income you crave. 

Her superpower is working with the unconscious mind to remove limiting structures and patterns that aren’t serving you owning your truest power & stepping into your highest levels of success. 

Women who work with Jocelyn want it all! And they know deep within they can have it- they just need help rising into it! 

In addition to her own personal services - Her and her wonderful husband Jim Vance work alongside each other in guiding individuals and couples to deeper connection with themselves and in their relationships.

It is her core belief that every single one of us are here on this planet for a purpose and are meant to learn the soul lessons needed to rise into our highest self & shine our light- with our personal relationships having the ability to catapult us to our max levels of consciousness. 

She is a masterful coach and healer that leads you through both. Her main motto being SOUL + STRATEGY = SUCCESS! 

Jim Vance
Jim Vance has a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership and started his career teaching & coaching in the public school system. 

After 11 years in education, he transitioned into sales and quickly rose through the ranks in that profession - securing top sales rep for the southeast. 

After feeling an internal pull that he was meant for more, going through a divorce, and finding himself sleeping in his car completely lost - he had many awakenings of the soul and decided to transform his life. 

He is now a confident & thriving man who is happily married to his soulmate and a Certified NLP Practitioner, Time Techniques, Life & Success Coach, and Hypnotherapist. 

He owns a successful masculine identity and relationship coaching business - The Conscious Man - where he leads high achieving men to Master Their Masculinity, Stand In Their Power, Elevate Purpose & Passion In Their Life & Relationships.

His Personal Mission is to be the Man that Men Turn To when they are ready to turn their life around and step into their fullest power and potential. 

His Super Power is Unconscious Pieces of your Identity healing that of which is not serving you and helping you Rise into Your Highest Potential as a Masculine Leader in your life. 

He runs his business and works alongside his wife as they manage a household with 3 beautiful children in middle Georgia. They spend their time building their empires, spending quality time with their family and friends, and traveling every chance they get.

Copyright 2020 @JV Conscious Coaching 

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