A program for men and women who desire to create the most deeply connected & intimate relationship as humanly possible- within themselves and with their partner! 
 *𝘼𝙬𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙣 to your current wounded energy within & how your current way of unconscious being is creating results in your relationships that do not feel aligned, fulfilling, or what you deeply desire

 *𝘼𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙣 to your true energetic essence, creating a balance of whole masculine and feminine energy that allows you to increase polarity & passion all while feeling empowered in being the best & most aligned version of yourself 

*𝘼𝙩𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩 ideal partners & ideal relationship dynamics- becoming a magnet to what you deeply desire in your life
One Time Payment
  • Self Study Teaching & Training
  • Guided Workbook 

Do You Catch Yourself Asking These Questions.... 

As A Man

As A Woman

Why is my woman always nagging me & bitching about everything I do?

Why isn't she that into me?

Why does it feel like we are roommates and she never really desires me?

Why can I never seem to do enough to actually make her happy?

Why isn't she really open to me?

Why does she always feel unattainable and won't just love me for me?

Why can't she ever just compliment me without always criticizing everything?


OR maybe you are experiencing more of these questions..... 

Why is she so needy of me all the time?

Why do I have to be in control of EVERYTHING? 

It would be nice to have a partner, not someone I have to take care of all the time, this is a lot! 

Why is she always nagging me for time and attention, why can't she just be good on her own?

Why do we not have wild sex anymore? It is always the same and kind of boring! 
Why do I have to nag him to get anything done?

Why do I have to be responsible for EVERYTHING to truly get everything done around here?

Why does he always depend on me for every single thing, can he not just be a man?

Why does he not desire me as much as he used too?

Why does he feel so boring, I need more excitement in my life! 

Why is he so needy all the time? 

It would be nice to have a partner, not another child I need to take care of! 


OR maybe you are experiencing more of these questions... 

Why does he not show me he loves me enough?

Why do I have to feel needy and anxious to just feel safe in this relationship?

Why does he have to be in control of everything?

Why does he pull love away & go silent the moment he gets upset?

Why is nothing I ever do good enough to make him happy?

We Felt The Same Way... 

After years of attracting the same thing in partners and in each other, we FINALLY learned exactly what was going on within our relationship that was keeping us misunderstanding each other, disconnected, and desiring so much more to feel truly happy & fulfilled.

We began to understand the dynamics of polarity and really diving into learning about ourselves and how we were showing up in our wounded feminine and masculine energy and operating from unconscious wounds vs from what our true innate desires were. 

We dove into old built in patterns that we had learned as kids that were no longer serving us, we dove into past experiences with the masculine and feminine energies that raised us, and we better understood who we truly were, what we truly desired, and began to do work on ourselves and together. 

We awakened to parts of ourselves that were operating in the shadows & understood how the energetics were off within ourselves and within our relationship. We healed and became SUPER conscious of how we were being and how that was impacting each other. We realized we were just mirrors to each others unconscious wounds and were helping each other play them out as adults. 

We studied masculine and feminine energy dynamics and polarity and saw ourselves clearly for the first time in our entire lives. We saw how we had been attracting and operating relationally and were able to show up and shift it all! 

Today we are entirely two different individuals within our relationship and therefore, our relationship is a totally different relationship than how it was for YEARS in the beginning. 
We have become VERY passionate about awakening others to how they are contributing to their unhappiness within their relationship and what the ACTUAL issues are that keep them blocked from having exactly what they desire! 

And we believe it can start with just ONE! 
Before taking this class and working with Jim Vance, I was someone who was crippled with being anxiously attached to women in my life. I would allow them to emotionally abuse me to the point of having no personal power. This course has radically shifted how I show up, expanding in my masculine leadership, healing the wounds that kept me attracting narcissistic women, and becoming a man that I am super proud of! I look froward to dating again, knowing that I am being a man that will attract healthy feminine women who can actually truly love me. 
Thank you two for such profound awakenings and awarenesses that have radically changed my life and relationships. 

- Cameron K.  

5 Problems This Class Will Help You Solve...

  • Better understand yourself and your partner so that you can start being more aligned with your TRUE self- rather than the self you learned to get your needs met, but is not ultimately serving your highest desires
  • Deeper connection and increased intimacy within your relationship
  • ​Releasing the feeling of frustration that are currently feeling towards your partner. Better understand them and be able to know the steps to shift the energy to be more of what you are craving from them 
  • ​Feel more loved, desired, appreciated, and respected within your relationship 
  • ​Feel more trusting, secure, safe, and supported 

    Class Attendants Share The Love... 

    Thank you for showing me the way! The awarenesses and awakenings I have had have been life changing. Being able to finally just let go, lean back, and just allow has been so needed & completely has changed the energy in my marriage. Passion has taken on a WHOLE NEW meaning. My marriage is HOTTER than ever. His transformation through y changes has been the most profound experience that I truly didn't think was possible. Jocelyn, you have completely changed my life and I love you so much for it. I will be forever grateful for the teachings in this program and the potential you have given me! 

    -Cindy K. 
    The one thing that I have learned the most is that my emotions are my emotions and my girlfriends emotions are hers. This course helped me to realize that I was emotionally attached to someone else providing me the love that I thought I needed to truly love myself. Awakening to this in this course and with Jim Vance as my coach, I was able to shift everything in my relationship. I learned to be a more masculine leader of my emotions rather than allow them to run my life in a negative way. 
    Thank you for this. I am forever changed! 

    -Johnathan H. 

    Meet Your Teachers


    Jocelyn has a Master’s Degree in Nutrition Education and has multiple certifications in Nutrition, Life Coaching, & Brain Science Methodologies. She started her career teaching middle school nutrition in the public school system. After feeling an internal pull that she was meant for more, going through a difficult divorce, and finding herself drowning as a single mom and tons of debt - she joined her 1st Network Marketing company in the health and wellness industry. She was able to build a successful 6-figure business and retired from teaching 20 years early along with meeting her soulmate - who is now her husband & raises 3 kids with - Jim Vance. 

    As soon as she thought this is it- I have made it - The Universe had a much different plan. She went on to experience several more awakenings of the soul which led her to where she is today - a Certified NLP Practitioner, Timeline Therapist®, Life & Success Coach, and Hypnotherapist. 

    She now runs a thriving identity and success coaching business - The Conscious Woman - and works with purpose driven individuals to be more empowered lovers and leaders in their life, business, and relationships - becoming a magnet to the intimacy, impact, and income you crave. 

    Her superpower is working with the unconscious mind to remove limiting structures and patterns that aren’t serving you owning your truest power & stepping into your highest levels of success. 

    Women who work with Jocelyn want it all! And they know deep within they can have it- they just need help rising into it! 

    In addition to her own personal services - Her and her wonderful husband Jim Vance work alongside each other in guiding individuals and couples to deeper connection with themselves and in their relationships.

    It is her core belief that every single one of us are here on this planet for a purpose and are meant to learn the soul lessons needed to rise into our highest self & shine our light- with our personal relationships having the ability to catapult us to our max levels of consciousness. 

    She is a masterful coach and healer that leads you through both. Her main motto being SOUL + STRATEGY = SUCCESS! 


    He is a Certified Identity and Success Coach for purpose driven souls who are desiring more soul alignment so they can manifest connected and passionate relationships, abundant income, and have the impact in their career or business they crave.

    Jim has a roller coaster of peaks and valleys in his life that has led him to where he is today.

    After going through challenges in his childhood and having his teachers greatly impact him — he decided to become a high school teacher and coach with a passion to lead other students to reach their highest potential. He got his Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and spent the first 10 years of his career as a AP U.S History Teacher, Team Leader, and Sports Coach. He married his first wife after college, had two beautiful children, and by age 33 found himself going through a divorce, homeless, and drowning in what his life had become.

    After experiencing a huge heartache and leaving his teaching career, he went through an identity crisis and questioned everything about who he was and what he was meant to do in the world.

    By age 36- he had manifested his soulmate and adopted her beautiful daughter as his own. Although the journey still wasn’t your typical idea of “perfect fairytale love and white picket fence family” — they married two years later and became a family of five.

    He switched directions in his career and created a six-figure income in sales and marketing and found himself chasing the “American Dream” to which he thought would fulfill him and he would finally feel happy and “successful.”

    After dealing with some inner turmoil, challenges with his ego, low-self worth, addictions, and almost losing the love of his life… he had a massive breakdown that led to a complete personal identity breakthrough.

    He started doing tons of personal inner work and transformed himself from the inside out. He transitioned into an identity and success coach for purpose driven souls who want to master their mindset, evolve their consciousness, and create more connection with themselves and in their relationships.

    He became a Certified NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, EFT, and Practitioner of T.I.M.E Techniques and now runs a very successful business with his wife for purpose driven individuals looking to breakthrough the barriers holding them back from achieving the success they desire in every area of their lives.





    You will get instant access to the class once you enroll!
    This program is perfect for men and women who are desiring to create more energetic polarity within themselves and within their relationships so they can feel alive, passionate, aligned, happy and fulfilled!
    While I have been on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement for awhile, I feel like this program has been astronomically eye-opening. I find myself thinking about it all the time. I have moved myself through the guilt of who I have been in the past and just feel like I am operating on a totally different energy level and vibration. What has happened in my relationship since joining this class feels like I am absolutely winning at life! and I know my behaviors shifting and who I am being now is making the biggest difference. 
    Thank you both so much for EVERYTHING!

    -Julie D. 
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